Friday, April 20, 2012

*You the boss man* ~A Lil Trill Story~ ??

*You the boss man* ~A Lil Trill Story~ ??

I was bored and I thinking about starting a new story? not sure yet here's a sneak peek! Any feedback? Nani's POV All i could hear was the thumping of my foot hitting the floor as i sat and silently mummbled the words to myself trying to understand them and memorize the script. I wiped away the sweat that was forming over my eyebrows. I had an audition and I was extremly nervous, I didn't even know why! I was almost done with the part I had to learn. "Number 22" I kept reading. " Number 22.....N'asia Ken" I felt someone elbow me. "Ow! What?" I hissed at the stranger. I think its your turn. I looked at the number that was pinned to my shirt then I looked up to see a guy holding a clipboard waving in my direction. "Oh!" I stood up and brushed myself off making sure I looked perfect. I exhaled and did my little model walk across the room to where the same clip board guy was holding the door open for me. I walked into a plain white room with pictures of extremly beautiful! people posing hanging up on the wall. There was a desk with three people behind it and a video camera on a stand. I stood there looking at them and i couldn't help but play with a loose string on my sleeve. "Well?" An older female said while rolling her hand. I looked at her confused not realizing what I was suppose to do. She rolled her eyes. "Amatuer" She mummbled under her breath. "Name, age,part, and why you are here today." I breathed deeply. "N'asia Ken, 17, I am auditioning for the lead part ...