Thursday, May 10, 2012

broken a jonas sister abuse story s.2 e.3

broken a jonas sister abuse story s.2 e.3
nick: aww abby (cats real name's abigail) abby: no nonono! nick: to bad (dresses her then himself kisses her and hugs her) abby: (sits down and sobs) Nick: abby (sits by her and hugs her) im sorry abby: what happened you used to be so sweet then 2 years ago you strat (cries) Nick: ( makes her stand up hold her hand) to bad.. abby:(they walk out of the closet) nick: (goes in class to see Courtney and Niall talking...) niall: haha wow you seem so cute courtney: thanks you to! so when did you move next door to my brother niall: last year from britan (smile) court: haha wow class ends cat: (tries to hide tears) my real names abby court: cool abby: yeah but NIck calls me cat cuz(starts sobbing) NIall: aww it'll be ok nick: what? (smirks) (grabss abby) courtney your so dead when you get home court:(looks down) oh no.. Niall: why? court: im not allowed to talk to anyone niall: oh well were friends now (hugs her) at home 3 weeks later court pov i got it real bad i cant move i manage! d to call niall who called liam and he's coming over to my house DING DONG joe: hello? liam: (barges in and sees court lying in the ground on pain picks her up bridal style) im taking my sister back so back away Niall told me everything and you better not try anything.. nick: ughh whatever fine (kisses abby) liam: (looks sad to abby) and leaes at courts house i was finally home! oh my god im home i went to sleep considering it was late but then court: AAAH NOO NOO liam: (runs into room and shakes her ...