Sunday, April 8, 2012

Second Screen and Social TV

Second Screen and Social TV

For years we've debated the promise of interactive TV. Until now, the promise has not been realized but with the advent of real-time social services like Twitter and TV-specific social apps, we seem to be on the cusp of a sea change when it comes to how people watch and engage with television and how marketers can build new experiences around programming to connect with consumers. This session will discuss the state of social TV and the second screen, why it's important and what it will take to finally make social TV a mass market activity. What is the state of the Second Screen? 1. Is the second screen just about social television, or will all the interactive TV features we've dreamt of for decades move to the second screen? 2. What is transmedia and how will it change how we watch TV and interact with brands and personalities? 3. What are the latest trends when it comes to the second screen? 4. How will the second screen change how content is produced and marketers build t! heir programs? SPEAKERS Jesse Redniss Senior Vice President NBC Universal's USA Networks Lou Paskalis VP, Global Media Content Dev & Sponsorship Marketing American Express Yinka Adegoke Correspondent Reuters Shenan Reed Chief Media Officer Morpheus Media Brad Pelo CEO i.TV Bill Gannon Managing Editor