Monday, April 9, 2012

EJOLE || Leave || EJ'S POV || If That's How You're Gonna Leave... Then We'll See Who's Sorry Now...

EJOLE || Leave || EJ'S POV || If That's How You're Gonna Leave... Then We'll See Who's Sorry Now...

This EJole Mvid is from EJ's POV and it's all about EJ's internal struggle to come to terms with his current reality of a life without Nicole. As a character EJ is a deeply flawed man and has always been a little trigger happy in the way he seems to rely on revenge as a defense mechanism... It's twisted but that's EJ lol and when EJ can't sit with the pain of what he's done, he lashes out..That's kind of his MO so this video kinda walks EJ through that process and I really think the song fits EJ so perfectly, especially right now as EJ stews in his very own personal hell. Music: Leave by MatchBox Twenty No ownership claimed!!