Saturday, March 10, 2012

Claws - (Sims 3 Voice-Over Series)-Auditions Open!

Claws - (Sims 3 Voice-Over Series)-Auditions Open!

Rules: Good Quality mic, Have fun, Lines on TIME!!, Post as video response or message it to me. (: I know, quality = not the best. :/ I made it, before my friend told me about a good video editor.By the way, characters will be added and there will be casting calls as I write the script. But, anywayyy..... Female Voices- Kat (Main) : Friendly, Down-To-Earth, Shocked about being a were-cat ~Line 1- (Narrating) Ever since things like The Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf came around, people started ignoring other "monsters". It's been all vampire and werewolf for everyone. ~Line 2- (Angry) Because she called me a dog! Just because I was licking my milk instead of sipping it. How messed up is that? Sage (Main) : Stuck-up, Popular, Has to be with people ~Line 1- (Mean) I'd love YOURS too, Pepper. If it wasn't for all that dog. ~Line 2- (Snobby) Each room is made to fit three students, but ours is a little bigger. Courtesy of Daddy, Alpha Tom. ~Line 3- (Narrating) Were-cats are like n! ormal domestic cats, but much bigger and leaner. Sort of like panthers. Pepper (Supporting Character) : Funny, Brave, Insecure about being 1/4 werewolf ~Line 1- (On verge of tears) I'm fine. That's the point. No one's ever complimented me for me. Ever! ~Line 2- (Defensively) It's not MY fault my grandmother fell for a DOG. It's all on her. My dad's got it worse. When he went to Howlton, he got majorly teased about being 1/2 cat. Quinn (Supporting Character) : Smart, Bubbly, Accused of being dumb ...